Saya ingat percakapan dengan mantan pacar saya suatu hari di meja makan, di rumahnya, beberapa tahun lalu. Lebih tepatnya, dia bercakap dengan senyum saya. Sepanjang perbincangan saya cuma tersenyum.
“Kenapa ya ada orang yang senang menceritakan keburukan mantannya?”
Dia mengatakan itu sambil mengelap tangannya.
“Mereka terlihat begitu membenci pilihan mereka sendiri,” katanya lagi.
Saya tersenyum. Saya selalu hanya tersenyum ketika dia bertanya seperti itu. Kadang-kadang dia butuh pendengar ketika dia bicara kepada diri sendiri. Dia tiba-tiba menatap saya yang sedang menatap dia.
“Jika kita berpisah nanti, kamu akan seperti mereka?”
Jelas itu pertanyaan untuk saya, tetapi saya diam. Saya menyodorkan senyum sebagai jawaban.
“Mohon jangan melakukannya,” katanya lagi.
Beberapa saat kami diam sambil membereskan meja makan.
“Kelak, jika terpaksa kamu harus menjawab pertanyaan soal kenapa kita berpisah, katakan saja kita seperti anjing dan kucing,” katanya ketika kami beranjak ke ruang tengah.
Begitulah percakapan kami waktu itu. Saya penasaran, jangan-jangan hubungan kami memang seperti sepasang kucing dan anjing. Saya sering melihat anjing dan kucing akrab. Sangat akrab. Tetapi seakrab apa pun kucing dan anjing, mereka tidak bisa bersatu, kecuali dalam kartun Nickelodeon, CatDog, yang dulu sering kami tonton. Haha.
Saya mencari di Google gambar kucing dan anjing yang akrab. Coba klik di sini untuk melihat foto-foto anjing dan kucing yang saling menyayangi itu.
Seperti biasa, ketika membuka Google, saya sering susah menghentikan diri sendiri untuk klak-klik link. Saya menemukan hal berikut ini.
Things You Can Learn From a DogSaya juga menemukan ini.
1. Always be happy to see those you love.
2. Approach each day and each new experience with enthusiasm (even a walk).
3. Never underestimate the power of praise.
4. Play every chance you get.
5. Don’t be afraid to show your joy! When you are happy – show it. Wiggle and wag.
6. Take lots of naps and always stretch and yawn before you get up.
7. Never turn down a car ride with someone you love.
8. Be loyal.
9. Lounge under a tree in the shade on a hot day.
10. Every once in a while put your head out the window and feel the air on your face and hair.
11. Have a favorite toy.
12. Don’t hold a grudge.
13. When someone is having a bad day – nuzzle him gently.
14. If you feel like it, shake and let the drool fly.
15. Eat each meal with vigor and enjoy anything that’s offered.
16. Sleep in any position you find comfortable.
17. Scratch where it itches.
18. Protect and defend those you love.
19. What you look like doesn’t matter – it’s what is in your heart (and the way someone rubs your tummy).
20. Enjoy every day to it’s fullest – even if you are sick, in pain, deaf, blind, wheelchair (cart) bound or just not mentally all there.
21. Take pride in following the rules.
22. Accept praise and attention without giving excuses.
Things You Can Learn From a CatSeperti pesan mantan pacar saya itu, jika ada orang bertanya lagi kenapa kami putus, saya akan bilang karena cinta (kami) seperti sepasang anjing dan kucing. Ketika orang itu masih bertanya, saya akan menyuruhnya membaca postingan saya ini. Hahaha.
1. Rest and relaxation are the keys to happiness, so relax any chance you get. And don’t work too hard.
2. There is always time for a cat nap.
3. The family that sleeps together stays together. Don’t be afraid to curl up really close behind your person’s knees or in the crook of the neck and purr.
4. Nighttime is the time to party, and it’s more fun if you can share it with your family. Howl, meow, play with their ankles, or leap across the bed to wake them up.
5. Spend time with the people you love, especially when they are working. Sit near the computer and purr, walk across the keyboard occasionally, or better still, knock things off the desk one at a time so your person doesn’t get bored.
6. Show your favorite people that you love them. Sit on their lap, pet or rub a leg, or run your tail across their faces to get your message across.
7. Get excited and come running every time a special treat or food is available. Showing a little appreciation and enthusiasm will always get you treats.
8. Don’t settle for bland, tasteless food; refuse it and you will be fed fancy and expensive food.
9. Stretch and yawn before you get up, no matter what time it is.
10. Enjoy the sun – lie down, roll around and just appreciate the warmth.
11. Purr when you are happy.
12. Cleanliness is next to godliness, so keep yourself clean and pristine.
13. Appreciate a clean bathroom.
14. Enjoy the solace of a view from a nice window.
15. “Making bread” is good for the soul.
16. Be independent.
17. Don’t always do what people want you to do.
18. Keep cool. If you don’t want to do something, no need to argue – just don’t do it.
19. Don’t be afraid to look at things from a different perspective occasionally. Sit high on a bookshelf or peek out from under a chair.
20. Expect to be pampered and treated like a prince or princess, and you will be.